Alexi Sperounes

Born in Santa Monica, California

Lives and works in Carson, California

Hello and welcome to my art abode! I am inspired by a lot of things but mostly I take a lot of inspiration from nature, activism, untold history, authenticity, the season of autumn, animation, and fantasy. I am currently a Senior at Otis College of Art and Design majoring in Communication Arts: Illustration. I love to create stories with strong female or female identified leads, and not only do I love to illustrate those stories, but I also enjoy writing them as well! In addition, I have a passion on illustrating designs for artists who are in the Drag community! One day I wish to tell my own stories, both with art and my words! The pieces you will find here are ones that I have worked both in various college courses and personal works I have created for my own passion projects. Please have a look around A. Art Portals and you will find my proudest works! 



2021-2025 Otis College of Art and Design